Every Memorial Day we perform a ceremony at both the GAR plot and at Lt. Marion L. Willis' grave to commemorate our fallen comrades. Please come by on Memorial Day to remember the heroes of the past and to let our local Veterans know that we value their sacrifices. Below is a little history on the G.A.R. plot and the flag pole and cannon at the site. For more information on Lt. Marion L. Willis, check out the Our Post tab on this site.
The Grand Army of the Republic
"The Grand Army of the Republic (G.A.R.) was a fraternal organization composed of Veterans of the Union Army, U.S. Navy, U.S. Marines and U.S. Revenue Cutter Service (which later became the U.S. Coast Guard) who served in the American Civil War. Founded on April 6, 1866 in Decatur, Illinois, it was dissolved in 1956 when its last member died. The GAR was founded on the principles of "Fraternity, Charity and Loyalty," by Benjamin F. Stephenson. Groups of Civil War warriors began joining together, first for camaraderie and later for political power. For most of these men, the war was the first time off the farm or out of a 5 mile radius away from their homes, where they grew up. Truly the GAR gave them a connection and bond that was formed during the Civil War. In 1868, 2nd Commander-in-Chief of the GAR, General John A. Logan established May 30 as decoration Day, later known as Memorial Day. In its first celebrations, people used this day, Decoration Day to commemorate the dead of the Civil War by decorating their graves with flowers and flags. John Logan was very influential for Veterans and their rights, and this led to the naming of Fort Logan National Cemetery in Denver, CO."
- Gleaned from Post 101 Commander Kustanbauter's Remarks at the Flag Pole Dedication Ceremony, March 2012
Flag Pole Dedication
VFW Post 101 performed a replacement flagpole dedication ceremony on Saturday, March 3, 2012 at the Evergreen Cemetery in Colorado Springs, CO. The ceremony was held to replace the flagpole at the Grand Army of the Republic (G.A.R.) with a new flag pole. The previous flag pole was dedicated in 1920 by the G.A.R. Post 22 of Colorado Springs. The previous flag pole was 108 years old and originally flew an American flag with 48 stars. Approximately forty-five Post 101 members, ladies auxiliary members and District 5 Warriors members were on hand for this dedication.